Monday, July 20, 2009

Take a Slim Shower!

Can you guess what a Slim Shower is?

Nope, not a party like a Bridal Shower or a Baby Shower.

Nope, not a lighter than misting rain.

It is a shower with powerful, uplifting, and joyful intentions!

Here's how you take a Slim Shower:

Dim the lights in your bathroom, if you can. Personally, I just let available light leak into the bath from another room and close the window coverings so it is delightfully dim.

You can light a candle, if you're in the mood. Make the candle a slender one and white for purity.

Get in the shower.
Stand very tall -- you're already looking and feeling 5# lighter!
Get your washcloth soapy.
Close your eyes.
You read correctly.
Close your eyes -- you know where your body is!
Caress your body with the washcloth; keep your hands off!! This blurs your perception of your body.
As you stroke your arm, picture it the slim arm you desire it to be.
If you like, say aloud, "I love my slim arms."
As you wash your leg, imagine it is the firm, strong, beautiful leg you desire.
Say, aloud or silently, "I love my slim, strong legs."
And so on.

As you rinse, say, "I am slim, fit, and sexy."

Dry yourself with your eyes closed, too!

Shower yourself with love and slim intentions to love yourself well each day!

Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.


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Feng Shui Designer, Teacher, and Coach, Kathleen Tumpane ASID, is the author of Slim House Slim Body; How to use Intentional Design to become and be slim. Visit her Slim Blog at for articles, tips, and news of teleclasses.

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