Monday, August 24, 2009

How does kindness lead to slimness?

Slim Emotions
Accept, allow, and celebrate ... yourself and others

Kind thoughts support your desire to become and be slim. How? The very discernment which allows you to monitor your food choices and quantities and encourages you to keep exercising, Metal energy, is the same energy that judges every body you see. Maybe you do not assess every body that crosses your field of vision, and if not, good for you! Most everyone I know does it.

Judging every body you see is toxic to your slim desires.

Judging every body you see is toxic to your slim desires. The good news is that it is easy to change such behavior. Yes, I know you may have been automatically checking out the attractiveness of every person for decades. Yet, I promise you, it will feel so much better for you to adopt these suggested actions, you will rapidly replace your former assessing behavior. Kind thoughts will become as automatic as judging ones used to be.

I celebrate your slimness.

Whenever you see a person who looks slim and sexy to you, say three sentences out loud (if alone) or in your head (if others are around). Here are some suggestions of Slim Mantras:

  • I celebrate your slimness.
  • I celebrate your sexiness.
  • I celebrate your beauty.
Or you might affirm:
  • I celebrate your attractiveness.
  • I celebrate your fitness.
  • I celebrate your style.
Or you may simply say:
  • I celebrate your slimness.
  • I celebrate your slimness.
  • I celebrate your slimness.
The key is to express your joy in her physical attractiveness three times. It is amazing how much better you feel when you do this. Your celebration of her physical success lifts your mood and boosts your own slim intentions.

Whenever you see a person who seems overweight to you or too skinny and perhaps anorexic, you say once with feeling: I send you love.

I send you love.

When you see yourself in the mirror or in the reflection of a glass door, send yourself love or acknowledge your own beauty, sexiness, and slimness -- whichever feels appropriate at the time.

By sending the over and under weight love, you align yourself with the divine in you. Yes, you have judged them as under or over weight, briefly. Still, when you send love to others, it just plain feels good.

When you think about it, as you celebrate the physical attractiveness of others, you are sending love to them, too.

This simple act of appreciation and kindness radiates from and through you and supports your desires to become a be slim.

You'll love how kind thoughts feel so much, you'll want to come back and let us all know!!

Excerpt from Slim House Slim Body. Get yours now!

Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.


You can, as long as you include the copyright and this blurb with it:

Feng Shui Designer, Teacher, and Coach, Kathleen Tumpane ASID, is the author of Slim House Slim Body; How to use Intentional Design to become and be slim. Visit her Slim Blog at for articles, tips, and news of teleclasses.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Favorite Food Day -- Welcome Relief?

I grew up Catholic. One of my fondest Catholic memories was my Dad's annual Lent ritual. During Lent, he gave up his favorite foods: potatoes, bread, butter, ice cream. By Easter, forty days later for those of you who didn't grow up Catholic, he lost at least 20 pounds. It was simulataneously his offer of suffering and his annual weight control program!

Why am I telling you? Because last Sunday, I had a nearly Carb Only day!! I had raisen bread toast with cream cheese and cinnamon sugar, a couple of slices of yummy rye bread with butter, several pieces of fruit, savored Charms Blow-Pops (currently my favorite candy treat!!), and I think I had some red licorice, as well.

I'm not sure I had any significant protein all day. Which is roughly the reverse of what I usually do.

About half way through the day, realizing what I was doing, I decided to just go ahead a savor my Favorite Food Day. Sure, it was a boulder on the path back to my chosen slimness. However, by savoring it instead of beating myself up about it, I happily resumed my Slim Path the next morning.

Then, I remembered, on Sundays during Lent, Dad indulged in his favorite foods. I don't remember the theology about it, but apparently that was allowed. And he still lost at least 20 pounds each Lent.

While I have no intention of having a nearly Carb Only Day every Sunday, this memory and experience have given me permission to occasionally have a Favorite Food Day while in slimming mode.

What do you think about this Favorite Food Day? Are you concerned about resuming your program after a day of indulgence? Does the idea appeal to you? Inquiring minds, at least mine, want to know!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Daily Slim Plan

One practice that really helps me stick to my Slim Plan is using the Daily Slim Plan form to
  • keep track of my intake and carb count (you can count POINTS, carbs, whatever works for you)
  • note my activity plans and mark them off after doing them
  • note my water consumption (bottles)
  • note my supplements consumption (also reminds me to take them)
  • note any Slim Actions I intend to do and mark them off when done
My favorite part of the Daily Slim Plan is the "Plan to Overcome Today's Obstacles."

At the start of each day, as I note breakfast, mark off the AM vitamins, and plan the day's activities, when I come to the "Plan to Overcome Today's Obstacles" I think about the day's agenda.

If I'm planning on doing errands, meeting with clients, checking on job sites, that section will note the "e food" that is "emergency food" I plan to take with me. This time of year, it includes a note to remind myself to use the cool bag.

Other times, that section might say "Go to Albertsons to get more yummy, slim treats."

Since it is part of the form, this section helps me anticipate where or when I may go "off my program," and create a plan to avert that self-defeating circumstance and the self recriminations that often attend such acts.

I like using this form to self-monitor. Sure, there are days I don't use it. Sure, there are days I start to use it and then stop making notes after lunch. By that time, though, I've already done the "Plan to Overcome Today's Obstacles," so I'm good.

Email me at to receive the form as a pdf file ready to print!

Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.


You can, as long as you include the copyright and this blurb with it:

Feng Shui Designer, Teacher, and Coach, Kathleen Tumpane ASID, is the author of Slim House Slim Body; How to use Intentional Design to become and be slim. Visit her Slim Blog at for articles, tips, and news of teleclasses.

Delish Recipe for Carnivores

If you're a carnivorous person, like myself, you'll enjoy this recipe for flank steak. I've created elaborate marinades but this super simple recipe only slightly modified from Weight Watchers' in 20 minutes, is the yummiest I've found!

Flank Steak with Herbes de Provence

1.5 T Herbes de Provence
1 t Salt
.5 t Pepper

Combine the ingredients. I enjoy using my glass mortar & pestle to combine the flavors. Then rub the herb mixture on the steak.

Spray your Lean Mean Grilling Machine with non-stick spray. Preheat.

Cook 5 minutes. (for medium)

Let rest on your cutting board 5 minutes.

Cut across the grain. Serve!


PS No Lean Mean Grilling Machine? Follow WW in 20 minutes or go to Bed, Bath, and Beyond and treat yourself to this fabulous small appliance!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Guilt-free Croutons make a salad yummier!

Recently, I was browsing through Trader Joe's at my leisure, as opposed to doing the Trader Joe's Dash. My meanderings led to the discovery of "Trader Joe's Parmesan Crisps."

I warn you, the recommended serving will probably break your allowed fat, carb, and calorie counts. However, if you can limit yourself to one crisp, instead of 3 or 4, it will likely work within whichever slim food program that is working for you.

It has been years, perhaps decades, since I've had croutons. With this yummy discovery, croutons in the form of one Parmesan Crisp crumpled to crouton size now add another level of scrumptiousness to my salads.

Check them out and let me know if you agree!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

My favorite guilt-free dessert treat!

Just had to dash over to the store to pick up my favorite guilt-free dessert treat! What is it? Weight Watchers Ice Cream Candy Bars!

Really yummy on a hot day!

Introduced to me (and LOTS of other people) in the daily tips from! If you're not subscribed, I highly recommend doing so immediately. One of the few newsletters that I receive that I almost always open!