Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Slim Challenges of Life with Mom, Part 1

As you may know, I am currently being present for my 90 year old Mom. This has brought several challenges to my slim life. In no particular order ...

1. Her home is filled with stuff. For the most part, it is beautiful, well-loved, great memory-filled stuff. The other stuff is just stuff. I have been steadily deleting THAT stuff. With every load for the trash guys, my slim life gets easier.

2. Mom eats whatever she likes which is usually the most fat filled, artery clogging item on the menu. As long as we're eating out, that is no problem for me. Those foods hold no allure for me. One example, Zeppo's Mac and Cheese. The serving was enough for Mom's lunch plus dinner for two. Luckily, mac and cheese is NOT one of my comfort foods. My lunch at Zeppo's was Salmon e Limone; molto bene.

3. At age 72 or so, Mom's sweet tooth gained precedence over her will power. So if we stop at Starbuck's or Peet's for coffee, she will always want something from the sweet offerings. This IS difficult for me because I've always had a very active sweet tooth. I'm doing better with this than I was. Just realizing that mom will Always want something sweet makes it easier for me to make careful choices of indulgences.

Interestingly, rearranging the TV Room/downstairs Living Room so mom can see and hear the TV more easily has had the most impact on easing my slim life. In doing so, I moved the two chairs I've never liked out of my Office and moved the loveseat from the downstairs (dare I say My) Living Room into my Office. The net result is a much lighter feeling Living Room and a cozier Office.

What are your Slim Challenges? Does this post give you some ideas of how you can handle your challenges more easily? Please share. We're all in this, together!

1 comment:

  1. Hearing about your Mom ordering a sweet at Starbucks made me smile. At 90 years of age, I am glad she's enjoying the little sweetnesses along the way. Sounds like you are having a great adventure up there and I am glad you aregetting to enjoy your Mother. I hope this note finds you well! As for me... I have a newsletter to get out, so back to work!
