Vacations mean freedom from routine. That can be wonderful. However, I've noticed that unless I'm careful, I tend to drink less water, exercise less, and indulge in breads, cookies, and desserts far more.
Here are some of the ways I've found to allow me to enjoy vacations and family visits thoroughly and comfortably stay within or close enough to my slim program. Use them to return home with your weight the same or even lighter than when you left!
1. Allow yourself tasty treats in small portions. Without vacation indulgences is it still a vacation? I don't think so. So, I allow myself tasty treats. I choose them with care and if they are not superlatively yummy, I don't finish them. I also limit my tasty treats to one indulgence a day/max.
2. Consider your vacation exercise options before you leave home. Accept that your usual exercise routine may be inconvenient, impractical, or impossible. Before you arrive, consider what your options for exercise are likely to be and be willing to adapt your exercise to what is convenient, practical, and possible.
When I visit mom in Lake Oswego, for example, it is often not convenient to take my 45 min swim. I can easily do yoga, dance, and take walks, though.
3. Beware of emotional land mines. If you, like me, notice that you seem to "need" sweets or other favorite "comfort" foods that you usually can avoid with ease when visiting family, know those impulses let you know you're feeling emotionally vulnerable for some reason. There are several possible outcomes when that happens:
a. You indulge almost not noticing ... with severe remorse later. If that happens, instead of beating yourself up about it, forgive yourself and decide to make more self-loving choices next time.
b. You notice the impulse and decide before your first bite how much you're going to allow yourself ... and stay present (rather than go unconscious). If you can figure out the trigger, that can be very helpful in staying on your program even when you're home.
c. You notice the impulse and realize having "x" with mom is just a habit, an old habit, one that is not worth the consequences of additional exercise later. It seemed like a emotional land mine but it was really just a small rock on your path.
4. Take "emergency food" everywhere you go. My favorite protein bars aren't available in Oregon, so I ship a box to my mom several days before leaving home. I have a few in my handbag for the plane and several in my suitcase, just in case UPS is slow. Being prepared keeps my anxiety re: blood sugar at bay.
5. Refill "your" Water Bottles, so you can easily monitor and maintain optimal water intake. I purchase 4 bottles of water and 2.5 gallon water containers upon arriving. I refill the 4 bottles each morning. This makes it really easy to make sure I'm drinking enough each day.
6. Eating out: Decide how much of what you're served you are going to eat before you take the first bite. Restaurant portions are often insanely large. I often split my meal with someone or take half home for the next day's lunch. Resign your membership in the "clean your plate club."
7. Talk about anything other than your weight loss program. You really don't want to invite comments on your current program especially from family members who tend to tease. Teasing can erode your resolve. So, deflect any conversation about your food choices and exercise. Given the choice, most people are happiest talking about themselves! Take advantage of that and stay slim on your vacation!
Using these suggestions, you can be pleasantly surprised by delightful news on your home scale! I am usually a couple of pounds lighter. However, if I'm a couple pounds higher than I like, I know they'll soon be gone and the fun of the vacation is well worth it.
Excerpt from the latest edition of Slim House Slim Body. Want more? Get your copy, now.
Copyright © 2009 Kathleen Tumpane. All rights reserved.
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